Low income: how to survive a recession

If you are low income and money is tight currently then you may be wondering how to survive a recession. The following recession proof tips will provide you with some advice you can use and apply in your daily life to ease the tension and strain.

Follow A Budget

If you are low income and trying to survive a recession then you should start by creating and following a recession proof budget. You must understand what money you have coming in and going out and ensure you have the funds you need so you can continue to pay your bills on time.

Continue to Save

Although you may be struggling to make ends meet with inflation, you should make an effort to continue saving your money and follow budget saving best practices. There are simple ways to do so such as finding ways to cut spending, tracking your expenses, and automating your savings so you aren’t tempted to see or touch the money.

Live Frugally

You can also stretch your dollars by shopping and living more frugally. You should focus on not spending money you don’t have and making sure you take advantage of deals, sales, and promotions instead of paying full price. Minimize expenses by cooking at home, reducing energy bill costs, and canceling subscription services or memberships you aren’t using.

Be Mindful of Credit

Finally, you can survive a recession on a low income by being mindful of credit and committing to mindful spending. Try to save up your money and pay cash whenever possible. It might help to set your credit card aside and only pull it out for emergencies. Build an emergency fund as best you can so you have the money you need in a pinch instead of having to use credit to cover the expense.

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